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Just to follow on from the note yesterday and to clarify our position….already rambling and it’s only day two!!

Although, Brewery Shops (overnight) have been placed on the Government shop exemptions list the brewery WILL NOT be open for sales or collection of beer. In the nicest possible way PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VISIT US, it will compromise me personally, other businesses on site and the remaining online business we have.

WE WILL continue to trade online – subject to availability – and will get beer to you safely using our NO CONTACT, DELIVERY SERVICE.

This will remain the case until we’re formally advised otherwise, we review ourselves on other grounds – or til someone else decides to take an angle grinder to the gates at Radium to see what else they can get. What the actual F$%£..?!?

All the best Bow, family & TBT Fitness, it just £uc£ing heartless what people will do at the minute. We’re next door and my stomach turned when I got the call and headed down there this morning.
Fortunately, we have very little of value in terms of flipping it for easy money left down there. So, not that it’ll deter, if you’re thinking about it don’t waste your time and energy, there’s very little of value onsite – we’re in the middle of a Pandemic!!

Eyes out for anyone selling knocked off gym equipment…I ain’t laughing but it’s like living in the Back to the Future II bad timeline at the moment…..

Anyway, on to deliveries – Why & How?

(1) We’re happy we’ve taken all the appropriate distancing measures on board, we didn’t go to Snowdonia or the Lakes for a jolly with the kids at the weekend and so far seem to be safe and healthy. As we’re now locked down as a household all being well we’ll stay this way, if this changes in anyway deliveries will halt.

(2) As I type, regardless of the Government initiatives, the brewery has none of the usual income for the foreseeable and although there’ll be breathing space in some areas (although still no way to apply for them) business bills and some of our obligations won’t all stop – they’ll just be moved down the line to a later date. Likewise, vouchers are great for short term cash but it just creates another obligation down the road, albeit one that can be spread – so that’s not being written off for those asking!!
Ultimately though, we’re a brewery, so if we can continue to sell beer one way or another it’ll be key to us staying afloat.
Obviously if “the numbers” keep going up and further measures are introduced, we may be force closed at some stage – and we’ll happily do this – but while there’s opportunity to bring much needed funds in, safely, on we go….

(3) Our Delivery Service is small scale and manageable (I think).

As it stands from beer production to your doorstep our beers are being handled by just one person, this makes controlling sanity etc a very straightforward job.
I will have no contact whatsoever with anyone from leaving the house, to collecting at the brewery through to delivery.

Here’s how it works:

– Limited delivery days. All deliveries will be completed Tues/Friday until further notice and will be FREE to addresses within 3 miles of the brewery – I won’t be delivering beyond this.
– Payment ONLY ONLINE via Website shop.
– I’ll arrive with your delivery, will leave it on the doorstep – or an appropriate spot – and will call/text to confirm this.
– Enjoy your beer.

(4) Hopefully in its own small way a limited, safe, local beer delivery service will contribute to people being able to self- isolate in a bit more comfort. This would seem to the implicit message of the Government allowing online trade and delivery to continue. Better to have a small number of drivers taking things to the masses rather than have the masses on the streets looking for it.



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